Super-fast karts await you. The Go-Karting track is over 800 m with 18 curves. Go-Karts are 200cc.

All karts are connected to TranX160 system for the identification, measurement time and display the result karting race. TranX160 system is based on transponders and specially designed for racing karts.

AMB Orbitoval software provides the results for qualifying and the race, during the race and after its completion for each kart. The scoreboard displays the results of each round for individual karts, the speed circuit and the fastest lap. We will print results for the drivers.

Have a break between the two races – enjoy the natural surroundings and have a coffee or beer in the cafe.

Professional licensed FIA CIK-C track meets international standards of karting competitions. All overalls and helmets provided. The Go-karting track is situated on the outskirts of Belgrade and is a 15 minute drive from the town Centre.

Package Includes:
  • One warm up race

  • One race

  • All safety equipment

  • Podium presentation

  • English Speaking Guide

The track is illuminated so that you can enjoy night driving.

  • Minimum 4 people
  • Duration: 1 Hour (including break between races)
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